Do you need help?
There are some absolutely AMAZING resources on the internet for mental health, however it can be hard to find. Here are some of my favourites.
Please, if you need help- don't hesitate to reach out. Talk to someone earlier rather than later. Become mindful early, and struggle on.
Beyond Blue
Free online chatting with counsellors, forums to chat with other who may be experiencing the same struggles and a heap of mental health quizzes and information sheets on the different mental illnesses, when you should seek help, how to using healthy coping mechanisms, etc.
Youth Beyond Blue
We all know that our generation struggles with some very specific stuff. This is beyond blue specifically targeted at youth. It has the same resources as the main website, but all targeted to help us young people.
Head Space
Different places around Australia that offer free counselling sessions to young people. Find one in your area, and find out how to gain these free sessions so that you can enjoy life and tackle your goals. It also has information resources and testimonials that will encourage you.